出版社:National Defense University Barbaros Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute Journal of Naval Science and Engineering
摘要:Pressure drop in pipes can be calculated by using Darcy-Weisbach formula.In order to use this formula,Darcy friction factor should be known.The best approximation to Darcy friction factor for turbulent flow is given by Colebrook-White equation.This equation can only be solved by numerical root finding methods.There are several other approximate equations to Darcy friction factor with some relative error compared to Colebrook-White equation.In some of these equations the percentage error is so small that they can be used directly in place of Colebrook equation.In this study relative error of several equations are re-evaluated.
其他摘要:Borulardaki sürtünme basınç kayıpları Darcy-Weisbach formula ile hesaplanır.Bu basınç kaybını hesaplamak için f Darcy sürtünme katsayısının hesaplanması gereklidir.Türbülanslı akışlarda Darcy sürtünme katsayısının hesaplanmasında en geçerli yöntem Colebro
关键词:Darcy –Weisbach pressure drop formula;Pressure drop in pipes;Colebrook equation;Friction factors
其他关键词:Darcy-Weichbach basınç düşümü;Boru içi basınç düşümü;Colebrook denklemi