期刊名称:Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
出版社:Erciyes University
摘要:In today's competitive world innovation and R&D (Research and Development) are the most important factors that needed both grow and increase their performance for companies.Most of companies are allocated significant share from their budget for increase both sales and profitability.Also in Turkey started to give importance to R&D with the contribution of encourage and support in recent years.The best-selling and the most profitable companies are at the same time that separates the greatest share of their budget for the R&D activities.In this situation,contribution of R&D is clearly emerging.Starting from this point in the study,the relationship between R&D expenditures,sales and profitability on the basis of BIST companies for the period 2008:Q1- 2014:Q4 were analyzed by the models of Panel Data.The analysis results show that;R&D spending have a positive and significant effect on profitability and sales.
其他摘要:Günümüz rekabet dünyasında yenilik ve Ar-Ge,firmaların büyümek ve performanslarını artırmak için en çok ihtiyaç duyduğu faktörlerin başında gelmektedir.Pek çok firma satış hacimlerini ve kârlılıklarını artırabilmek için Ar-Ge harcamalarına önemli oranda b
关键词:R&D Expenditures;Profitability;Sales;Panel Data Analysis
其他关键词:Ar-Ge Harcamaları;Kârlılık;Satışlar;Panel Veri Analizi