期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Vašica is a village in the western part of Srem, in the municipality of Šid. This area has permanently been inhabited since the Neolithic and Roman period to the present time. Gradina on Bosut and other archaeological locations are material evidences of long and rich past of this area. The village was mentioned in scrolls in 1470. Today, the village is characterized by depopulation processes. Elderly inhabitants are mainly involved in agriculture, while young and working age populations emigrate to urban centers. Unfavorable circumstances in our country and closing of public enterprises in which one part of the population was employed, leaves Vasica unpredictable demographic and economic future.
其他摘要:Вашица је сеоско насеље у западном делу Срема, у општини Шид. Од неолита, преко римске епохе до данас ово подручје је константно насељено. Градина на Босуту и други археолошки локалитети и налази нам сведоче о дугој и светлој прошлости овог краја. Данашње