期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:In last few decades of 20th Century and first years of 21st Century, in a field of environmental protection has been shown great interest in resolving hazardous waste management problem. First step was establishing and functioning an adequate hazardous waste management system, usually on national levels, which change a lot over time, because of modern trends impacts. In that context, important obligation for EU countries (as well as for candidates countries) is to adjust their national systems to Council Decisions, which result in making one uniform and agreed hazardous waste management system on regional level. From that aspect, it's very important and useful to make analysis of development level and functioning principles in foreign countries and compare with situation in our country, which could result with concrete proposals for necessary changes.
其他摘要:У области заштите животне средине, последњих деценија 20. века и првих година 21. века, посебан акценат је стављен на решавање проблема опасног отпада, што је иницирало формирање и функционисање адекватних система за управљање истим. Како су се временом ј
关键词:environmental protection; hazardous waste; national hazardous waste management system
其他关键词:заштита животне средине; опасан отпад; национални систем управљања опасним отпадом