期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Allergic Asthma is a disease closely connected to the polluted city areas Although it does not belong to diseases predominantly caused by geographic factors, this paper will consider their significance for appearance and development of this disease. As an example of urban influences on appearance of the Asthma, Belgrade city core is taken, especially considering air quality, industry and traffic, conditions of the habitation, as well as the socioeconomic aspect of the society that children live in and develop. The researches are based on the Asthma survey on children population, considering great frequency of this disease right at children of school age.
其他摘要:Алергијска астма представља обољење које се све више везује за загађена градска подручја. Иако не спада у обољења за чији настанак су доминантни географски фактори, у раду ће се размотрити њихов значај за настанак и развој овог обољења. Као пример утицаја