期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:There are many arguments about the solar variability influence on the Earth’s climate change. Is the trend of temperature growth the consequence of the solar activity growth in many regions of the world in the past decade? This paper proposes a mode how to perceive the solar wind influence on the Earth’s atmosphere. The analysis of every particular eject of energy (mass) from the active geo-effective solar region, the analysis of the structure and transport of energy by the solar wind, concomitant magnetic field and manifestation in the Earth’s atmosphere are very important for understanding the solar variability influence on the meteorological phenomena. Does the analysis of every "energy package" from the Sun in the one-day time scale make possible the better understanding of Earth’s weather and climate variation in the long term period.
其他摘要:Постоји обиље доказа о утицају сунчевих промена на промену климе на Земљи. Да ли је тренд раста температуре последица пораста Сунчеве активности у многим регионима света у последњој декади? Овим радом се предлаже начин како сагледати утицај Сунчевог ветра