摘要:crime is reaction given by state to someone which hove proven to male a -mistake to conduct doing an Wustice. As ai instrument, crime dropped pursuant to and considemtions of iurpor" setited si that witt bring bene/it for punished by self and for soc_iety. Therefore 'construction of crime person hne ti be gien in execution of crime in institute of comnunity' But ii, ,nrt at iot atways in line with crime direction. Appearance of Inmate Subgulnre in convict cimfrunq and also -grven by negotive stigma is society is reality in li.fe of dffiaction corNict become trigger of prionisasi foiconvict. Side efectl execution crime in institute of commtnity ,iquip toTrt speital attentiin for corwict upeat olr"edom shorFrange. So that crime which isif t eXeittve-correct reach the target of expected crime, not on the contrary.