摘要:The article is devoted to finding typology signs in the fairy-tale by Іvan Franko that characterize works of ethology genre. Turning to the genre descriptions of this particular work is not accidental, as until now there is no clearly defined genre theory, and it is foremost explained by the fact that literary reviewers understand the nature of genre content differently. Some people see in it nothing but formal displays, and others connect it with different vital realities that attract the writer’s attention. A fully original genre conception is offered by G. Pospelov, and its basis is presented in understanding the genre range of problems such as mythological, national and historical, novel and ethological. The determined typology signs of the ethological are the following: firstly, concentration on the analysis of public environment, finding out what is considered to be a stable state, as well as the display of the dominating conduct norms. Secondly, the characters display peculiar static, inwardly immobile features; they express certain “models” of people’s behaving in different social environments. Therefore the semantic and artistic features of Ivan Franko’s fairy-tale is examined through the prism of the typology of the ethology genre; that allows to specify the understanding of concept “genre”, “literary fairy-tale as a genre”, the value of the work of ethological range of problems at the moment when a literary work is being written and in social and literary periods that follow. Displays of ethological problem range the fairy-tale are manifested in its composition nature, in peculiarities of grouping the characters; that reflects definite conflict orientation of the work and thus display of dominant traits of the main characters at least. The plot structure of the fairy-tale, namely verse, "works" for underlining the ethological range of problems: with his inserted stories Ivan Franko depicts into details the dominant traits of character of Wolf and Fox; and due to the transformation of the traditional fairy-tale wording he transfers the text from purely literary to social plan: static ethologic traits of character can appear in any social and historic circumstances. Therefore the conflict between the characters has more than mere historical links to a definite period of time, it has moral bridges to human relations in general. That is why the fairy-tale written in 1890 is still relevant.The results achieved can be applied both for analysing the genre variety of Ukrainian literature and investigating works of Іvan Franko.
其他摘要:Стаття присвячена визначенню в казці І. Франка типологічних ознак, властивих узагалі творам етологічного жанру. Зосередженість на цьому аспекті дозволяє одночасно вирішувати декілька взаємопов’язаних питань: уточнити саме розуміння поняття «жанр», «літера
关键词:genre; ethology genre; ethology range of problems; plot structure; inserted story; conflict; dominant character trait; grouping of characters; literary fairy-tale