摘要:Financial Services Authority regulated in Law Number 21 in 2011, is a new institution which has the functions, duties and authority in terms of regulation and supervision in the financial services activities, one of which is the capital market. However, in bankruptcy proceedings securities company that is part of the Capital Markets financial services have not been set forth in the Act. The problems to be discussed in this study is on what legal basis the company filing for bankruptcy to effect by the FSA and is the concepts of Privileges Setting Supervision Authority in terms of the functions, duties and authority of the FSA on Bankruptcy Process Securities Company. This is a Normative Research. The results from this research is that the legal basis for the bankruptcy filing to the Securities Company by FSA is still not yet exist, so the FSA soon may have to implement regulations for the securities company bankruptcy so that there is no legal vacuum in that regar.
其他摘要:Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 merupakan suatu lembaga baru yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang dalam hal pengaturan dan pengawasan dalam kegiatan jasa keuangan yang salah satunya adalah Pasar Modal. Namu
关键词:Bankruptcy; Financial Services Authority (FSA); Securities Company
其他关键词:Kepailitan; Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK); Perusahaan Efek