摘要:Many opinions said that method of using statistics on crime is only viewed as tables and figures. It is necessary to understand how to process those data in order to arise assumptions of crime rate in an area. This study used empirical method. The data consists of primary and secondary data. Result of the research showed that trend of crime statistics occurred in region trends to decrease because of the influence of population growth, while the number of perpetrators are fluctuative. It is suggested for legal authority officials to make a policy ranging from level of investigation to convict nurture.
其他摘要:Banyak anggapan bahwa metode penggunaan statistik pada kejahatan hanya dipandang sebagai tabel dan angka. Tetapi yang perlu dipahami adalah mengolah data-data tersebut sehingga muncul asumsi-asumsi tingkat kriminalitas pada daerah tertentu. Metode dalam p
关键词:criminal law policy; crime; criminal statistics and criminology
其他关键词:kebijakan hukum pidana; kriminalitas; statistik kriminal dan kriminologi