摘要:Mutual fund is an effect in the capital market that has a low risk. With the collective Investment Contract, then the management can be done by experienced investment managers, making it suitable for novice investors. The required capital is not too high. Mutual fund also has some risks, such as Dividends can’t get paid, Capital Losses, as well as liquidation and bankruptcy. While the only institutions that can address the matter is merely guarantee institution, it applies only to one product only. So it is necessary to do the Assured Agreement for all fund products with the approval of investors to shift risk instead of reducing it.
其他摘要:Reksadana merupakan suatu efek dalam Pasar Modal memiliki resiko yang rendah. Dengan Kontrak Investasi Kolektif, maka pengelolaannya dapat dilakukan oleh Manajer Investasi yang telah berpengalaman, sehingga sesuai untuk investor pemula. Modal yang dibutuh
关键词:mutual fund; market; risk; assured agreement
其他关键词:reksadana; bursa efek; resiko; perjanjian pertanggungan