期刊名称:Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:Research aims to know effectiveness of of the training of early childhood education curriculum viewed from four variables, namely reaction participants against training, understanding matter, behavior modifications, and impact in an institution origin.The kind of research is evaluation by applying model evaluation kirkpatrick. Population research over all the trainees 43 participants. Sampling techniques used is technique census, namely covering all members of the population.Technical data used is inventori, interview observation, and documentation.To know validity and reliabilitas instrument, used of factor analysis, test coefficient alpha, and reliabilitas combination linear. The technique of data analysis were descriptive analysis and path analysis.The result showed that training curriculum is effective. The effectiveness is showed by the contribution of three levels to the last level and based on the high scores obtained by the participants on all study variables and also supported by interview and obervation results. However, the variables that provide the significant impact on the institution is only the variables of understanding the material as much as 15.6% and the variable of behavior change by 9.5%.
其他摘要:Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pelatihan kurikulum PAUD dilihat dari empat variabel, yaitu reaksi peserta terhadap pelatihan, pemahaman materi, perubahan perilaku, dan dampak di lembaga asal. Jenis penelitian adalah evaluasi dengan mene