期刊名称:Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education
出版社:Universitas Negeri Semarang
摘要:Natural alternative materials needed to replace expensive chemicals for tissue culture activities. This study aimed to examine the influence of the brand, the concentration of foliar fertilizer, interaction on the growth of dendrobium orchid Dendrobium and determine the optimal concentration in inducing the growth of plantlets. Experiments were carried out with completely randomized factorial design consisting of two treatments, the brand of fertilizer and manure concentration, each with three levels, namely brand fertilizer treatments (Growmore, Hyponex, Gandasil) and concentration (1 g/l, 2 g /l, 3 g/l). Orchid plantlets growth in this study was measured by high parameter plantlets, number of leaves, leaf area, root number and root length. Data were analyzed by two-way ANAVA, if significant followed by Duncan test. Results of ANAVA showed a significant effect on the brand of fertilizer increase in the number of leaves, leaf area and number of roots, the concentration of fertilizer significantly influence the high increase of plantlets and root length, while the interaction with the concentration of manure fertilizer brands significantly to the high increase of plantlets and leaf area. The most optimal combination of treatments that induce high addition of plantlets and leaf area is Hyponex fertilizer with a concentration of 2 g / l (5.40 cm and 5.43 cm2). To get the highest plantlet growth and optimal leaf area most used media Hyponex fertilizer with manure concentration of 2 g/l.
其他摘要:Bahan alternatif alami diperlukan untuk menggantikan bahan kimia yang mahal untuk kegiatan kultur jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh merk, konsentrasi pupuk daun, interaksinya terhadap pertumbuhan plantlet anggrek Dendrobium dan men