摘要:Maritime aspect is becoming a national priority. Nevertheless, its application in educational domain, especially in the history learning is still constrained. Therefore, the article focused to (1) analyze the urgency and relevance of the maritime history teaching in the history learning curriculum; (2) identify the problems and obstacles encountered in the implementation of maritime history teaching; (3) formulate ideas and strategies recommended in implementing the maritime history teaching in the inland areas that are not based maritime. Maritime history can not be separated from the overall national history, so its presence in the teaching of history becomes an inherent factor. However, learning maritime history will face cultural and pedagogical problems when delivered in areas do not pertain directly to the maritime aspect. Therefore, it needs contextualization strategies in learning of maritime history. First attempts to do is implement a linking and bridging strategies. Thus, the strengthening of maritime vision can be applied anywhere and contextual in a diverse cultural environment.
其他摘要:Aspek kemaritiman saat ini tengah menjadi isu nasional. Akan tetapi penerapannya dalam ranah pendidikan, khususnya pembelajaran sejarah masih terkendala. Oleh karena itu, t u l i s a n f o k u s p a d a u p a y a u n t u k ( 1 ) menganalisis urgensi dan r