摘要:The advancement of science and technology (scien-tech) is always accompanied by creation of novel terminologies. The more a language is used as a means of conveying information on new findings the more the language is enriched with new meaning, be it represented in a form of borrowing, new invention, blend, coinage, or common words with new meaning. This has necessitated scien-tech stakeholders to face the challenge of whether to borrow through transliteration or to adopt as well as adapt such terminologies for the benefit of utilizing information to flow effectively. A problem that appears is how to provide counterparts of such terminologies considering that the supply of scientech terminologies in Bahasa is relatively limited compared to that in English while borrowing can be inappropriate or even misleading. This paper intends to explain a number of ways in which endeavors to provide tentative supplies of terminologies through domestication strategy have always been made for scien-tech adoption as well as adaptation to proceed appropriately while enhancing the role of Bahasa in maintaining its function to deal with scien-tech undertaking.