摘要:Sports activities unconsciously or consciously often done everywhere. This activity is related to physical movement, play and recreation. Recreational sports is exercise that leads to the motion activity aimed at pleasure and fun. Much can find recreational sports in tourist places, the opposite is also increasingly varied from the start up to a challenging adventure, one gateball sport. Gateball is a type of exercise that is unique, because it is played simultaneously between grabbing achievement. Recreational purposes to be achieved from this research is to know the development of sports gateball, gateball sport obstacles. response of the government, society, and supporting factors gateball sport in Semarang Regency. research approach is descriptive research that collected data in the form of words, pictures, and not numbers. Instruments in this research is observation, interview, documentation. , The study was conducted orally (interview) with 4 respondents. The research location in the Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana. Research data that has been collected fully analyzed qualitatively. Result: The development of recreational sports gateball not so widely known in the community. Each sport will certainly require special attention from the government in hopes the sport itself will be developed and more advanced. Lack of socialization and games organized by the government to make the sport less attractive gateball society. Barriers that occur are from the financial sector, price gateball exercise equipment is quite expensive for the middle class down. Conclusion The results of the study: The development of recreational sports gateball in Semarang district is less extensive. Barriers that happens is a matter of funding and the high cost of sports equipment gateball. The government's response to date has not provided relief and a good response, whereas an excellent public response and support with the recreational sports gateball. Supporting factors in this sport is the funding and infrastructure.
其他摘要:Aktifitas olahraga tanpa disadari atau sadar sering dilakukan dimana-mana. Aktifitas ini berkaitan dengan gerakan jasmani, bermain, dan rekreasi. Olahraga rekreasi ialah olahraga yang mengarah kepada aktifitas gerak yang bertujuan untuk kesenangan dan ber