摘要:Martial arts is one that has a unique sports activities and advantages of each. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a modern martial art that combines martial arts Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is growing from year 2013 to 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the development of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in Purwokerto, know the development (MMA) in Purwokerto, and to know the motivation Fighter follow MMA. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative method. Core research sites in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Purwokerto. The population numbered 120, with purposive sampling technique was obtained samples / informant as many as 13 people consisting of trainer and fighter. Research data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data used is triangulation data. Data analysis techniques in the study include: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Results of this study found three factors that influence the development of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in Purwokerto, namely health (53.84%), hobbies 30.76%), and motivation (15.50%). Conclusions martial arts MMA research is influenced by the infrastructure that supports and more modern training methods. MMA is growing rapidly in Purwokerto because of lifestyle and hobbies, and motivation to live a healthy life and a desire to be a fighter. Advice can be given is to increase MMA publications through the medium of information as well as holding the championship fighter beginner to increase the motivation to practice.
其他摘要:Beladiri merupakan salah satu kegiatan olahraga yang memiliki keunikan dan kelebihan masing–masing. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) merupakan beladiri modern yang menggabungkan beladiri Muay Thai dan Brazilian Jiujitsu. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) semakin berkemban