摘要:The purpose of this study is to find out. Effect of Indonesian Healthy Gimnastics on body balance elderly in the district Sragen. The population was gymnastics healthy participants who were in the gym Indonesian home village Mulyo cereal Sragen districts of the 27 elderly people. The sample in the study were 23 elderly. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. This study there are two variables: healthy gymnastics Indonesia as independent variables and the outcome of the balance of the body of the elderly as dependent variable. Research methods using experimental design with one group pre test - post test. Methods of analysis of research data using statistical data analysis T-test. Based on the research that exercise improves balance influential Indonesian healthy elderly body. Viewed from Sig (2-tailed) the pre test and post test body balance = 0.418 <0.05 then H1 is accepted. The conclusion of the above data is a healthy gymnastics Indonesia to improve balance body home gym mulyo elderly in rural districts sragen cereal. It is recommended to the elderly in general could use a healthy gymnastics Indonesia to improve bodybalance.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui. Pengaruh Senam Sehat Indonesia terhadap keseimbangan tubuh lansia di kabupaten Sragen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah peserta Senam Sehat Indonesia yang berada di Sasana Panti Mulyo desa Cantel kabupaten Sragen y
关键词:Gymnastics Healthy Indonesia; body balance; Elderly