摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the physical condition of athletes volleyball spiker PPLP Central Java. The method used in this study is the method of survey techniques with a population of 12 test takers. From these studies, the ability to push yield is still relatively less is 33.75 kg and the ability to pull reached 34.83 in the medium category. While the test flexibility of back muscles obtained an average of 14.33 cm, suggesting that flexibility back muscles and stretching the leg muscles of the athletes volleyball spiker PPLP Central Java in 2012 is still quite lacking. Test your back, legs and shoulders gained an average of 143.71 in the medium category because the interval from 115.13 to 187.79 kg. Vertical jump test results show that on average relatively less in the amount of 59.17 cm below 69 cm. Conclusion The results of the study that profiles the physical condition of athletes volleyball spiker PPLP Central Java is still quite lacking, especially with regard to the arm muscle strength, flexibility and explosive power back muscles leg muscles, while leg and back muscle strength in the medium category. Therefore, coaches volleyball athletes give more continuous practice in the formation of the arm muscles through pushups before playing, doing sit-ups and back up your back muscles to improve flexibility and doing vertical jump to improve explosive leg muscle.
其他摘要:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil kondisi fisik spiker atlet bolavoli PPLP Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey teknik tes dengan populasi 12 peserta tes. Dari penelitian tersebut, menghasilkan ba