摘要:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peran humas dalam strategi mempertahankan reputasi, kendala yang ditemui humas, dan upaya yang dilakukan humas dalam menghadapi kendala. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 31 informan yang meliputi Kepala Sekolah,Waka Humas, Waka Kurikulum, Waka Kesiswaan, Waka Sarana dan Prasarana, Ketua Program Studi, Pegawai Tata Usaha, Guru BK, Petugas Perpustakaan, Satpam, Peserta Didik, dan Stakeholder yang meliputi orang tua siswa, alumni, dan DU/DI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran humas SMK PL Tarcisius dan SMK Palebon memiliki fokus yang berbeda. Humas SMK PL Tarcisius berorientasi pada jalinan kerjasama dengan DU/DI sedangkan humas SMK Palebon berorientasi pada hubungan dengan masyarakat dan stakeholder. Kendala yang dihadapi humas SMK PL Tarcisius dan SMK Palebon berasal dari dalam dan luar sekolah. Upaya yang dilakukan humas SMK PL Tarcisius dan SMK Palebon mengarah pada pembinaan karakter siswa.
其他摘要:The aim of the research is to understand how Public Relations roles in reputation maintaining, theconstraints which must be faced by the Public Relation, and the efforts which aregiven by the Public Relation in facing the constraints.The informants in this research amounted to 31 informants which included headmaster, deputy principal of public relations, curriculum, student affairs, and facilities and infrastructure, head of the study program, administrative staff, teacher guidance and counseling, library officer, security, students, and stakeholder that include the student’s parent, alumni, and DU/DI. The collecting data method used interview, observation, and documentation. The result of this research shows that the Vocational High School PL Tarcisius and Vocational High School Palebon’s Public Relation roles are almost the same. Vocational High School PL Tarcisius Public Relation rather gives priority to work network with DU/DI. On the other hand, Vocational High School Palebon’s Public Relation is more focusing on making good relationship with the society and the stakeholders.The constraints that Vocational High School PL Tarcisius and Vocational High School Palebon came from inside and outsideof school. The effort done by Vocational High School PL Tarcisius and Vocational High School Palebon is aiming the students characters rehabilitation.