出版社:Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN)
摘要:Hlpothesis is very often inevitable in research activities. Hypothesis ii of at least three kinds, each of which should not be connseo. a study trying to measure the relationship between variables can predict tni nnAing based on theory or logical cornmonsense. This prediction is called tieoretical hypothesis. ln testing hypothesis quaniitativety, the theoretical hyilothesis should be transformed inio s/afistical hyp,ssfussjs, which takes the form of Null hlpothesis and its alternatives. It is the Null hlpothesis that is to be tested to justify its rejection or otherwise its acieptance. In quatitative study, the res*lt of first data analysis is called temporal empirical hypothesis that should be validated with more data. This cycle of rechecking the result with more data is done again and again until the hlpothesis becomes the fi' nal conclusion.
关键词:theoretical hypothesis; empirical hlpothesis; and statistitical hypothesis