期刊名称:Analele Universităţii din Oradea: Seria Geografie
出版社:University of Oradea Publishing House
摘要:The notion of territorial system is often met in the Romanian and universal geographical literature, proving to be the most complex denomination of a spatial reality, within which certain processes and phenomena take place relating, as well as certain agents which act upon its components. Chioar - Lăpuş Region represents a spatial entity that, being considered territorial system, offers the possibility of organization and most favourable development of the territory, making it functional. Taking into consideration the methodology and principles which the traditional territorial systems are based upon, we will transform the two ethnographic regions, Chioar and Lăpuş, into a complex region, meant to flourish and that is to constitute a pattern of territorial system also applicable for other cases. The systemic analysis of the territorial unit includes the study of relief, of the hydric and climatic component, but also of the human component and of the implications which they have within the territorial system and the exchanges of matter, energy and information which they show with a view to working and dynamics, highlighting the quality of open system.
关键词:local tourist system; Arieşul Mare Valley; territorial development