出版社:Singidunum University. Faculty of Media and Communications
摘要:Through the analysis of the different types of digitization of reality in cybernetic paradigm, we will see the ways in which the modern subject is formed, and how the relationship between digital and analog paradigms reflects the understanding and expression of identity, and thus ideology. Becoming, through participation in virtual reality, its own supervisor, the individual, today, is subjected to a new kind of ideological control and turns into a user of the body, which no longer belongs to him/her but the production system. Posthuman development treats the human body as a professional device that requires constant upgrading. We will consider how the contemporary performance of identity, as well as its visual articulation, reflects the potentiality of body and achronicity of time in the digital paradigm, and in what ways the dominant form of cultural performance today, performing of one’s self, places outside the boundaries of factuality.
其他摘要:Sagledavajući različite oblike digitalizacije stvarnosti u kibernetičkoj paradigmi, uvidećemo načine na koje se formira savremeni subjekt, odnosno kako se relacije između digitalne i analogne paradigme odražavaju na poimanje i ispoljavanje identiteta, a t
关键词:performing; performance; identity; body; analog and digital paradigm; fashion; ideology; control
其他关键词:izvođenje; performans; identitet; telo; analogna i digitalna pardigma; moda; ideologija; kontrola