摘要:Mankind, in every period of its history according to the needs consumed in order to survive, but only the 21st Century is also quesƟ oned whether people consume to have to be. Capital, industrializaƟ on, ideology and technology, as a result of under the control of entry into the dominant ideology, on the other hand, global organizaƟ on of advanced communicaƟ on technologies, the disappearance of geographical boundaries, reducƟ on of cultural (and language) diff erences caused to the conversion of some of the concepts as; AdverƟ sing to global adverƟ sing; Culture to mass culture, communicaƟ on to mass communicaƟ on and consumpƟ on to consumpƟ on culture. Contextual and pracƟ cal change-transformaƟ on of these concepts, are based on economic, poliƟ cs and cultural changes which take place in process of Taylorism to become capitalist industrial producƟ on process. In this study globalizaƟ on will take place as a comprehensive result. Concept of adverƟ sing will be used as a link for consumer culture, mass media and capitalism.
其他摘要:İnsanoğlu, insanlık tarihinin her döneminde varlığını sürdürebilmek amacıyla ihƟ yaçları doğrultusunda tüketmişƟ r, ancak sadece 21. yüzyılda insanın tüketmek için var olup olmadığı sorgulanmaktadır. İleƟşim ve haberleşmedeki ileri teknolojilerin küresel
关键词:AdverƟ sing; consumer culture; globalizaƟ on; mass media; capitalism
其他关键词:Reklâm; tükeƟ m kültürü; küreselleşme; kitle ileƟşim araçları; kapitalizm