摘要:After and even in the run-up to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, national parliaments have implemented new procedures to apply the instruments in practice. However, five years from the entry of the Lisbon Treaty into force, national parliaments are still evaluating the means of their influence and control over the EU law and policies. National parliaments would determine their own position and contribute to further development in the European cooperation by becoming more actively involved in the decision-making of the European Union. Not just as the guardians of the subsidiarity principle, granted the possibility to block and delay draft laws, but also as proactive players in a constructive sense, with a right to invite the European Commission to table legislative proposals either to create new legislation or to amend the existing one. The role of national parliaments can be increased if they as such have more influence on the content of legislation.
其他摘要:W 2014 r. brytyjska Izba Lordów, duński Folketing oraz niderlandzka Izba Druga zainicjowały na forum Konferencji Komisji do Spraw Unijnych Parlamentów Unii Europejskiej (COSAC) debatę dotyczącą roli parlamentów narodowych w europejskim procesie decyzyjnym
关键词:National parliaments; green card; yellow card; orange card; red card; national parliaments as the guardians of the subsidiarity principle; Lisbon Treaty
其他关键词:zielona kartka; żółta kartka; pomarańczowa kartka; czerwona kartka; parlamenty narodowe w UE; modele kontroli spraw unijnych; mechanizm wczesnego ostrzegania