期刊名称:Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Zarządzanie
出版社:Nicolaus Copernicus University Press
摘要:the research objective of the work is to identify and characterise key success and developmental factors in companies rendering services in poland. the analysis of the outcome of the research allowed the identification and classification of the most essential success factors of companies operating in poland to be conducted. also, an evaluation of the importance of these factors for building permanent competitive advantage was made. the key factors included the following: building lasting relationships with customers, gaining knowledge about the market, customising offers to customers, or increasing employees job satisfaction. However, less attention was paid by companies rendering services to shaping the company’s image or to increasing the quality of their products (services). The identification of the factors affecting companies’ abilities to adapt to market changes was significant for the realisation of the research objective. in most cases entrepreneurs in the services sector indicated the relationships held between the company and suppliers, buyers and other market players as well as the level of understanding/trust among employees. the organizational structure of those companies, however, was treated as a less important factor.
其他摘要:celem niniejszego opracowania jest identyfikacja i charakterystyka kluczowych marketingowych czynników sukcesu i rozwoju przedsiębiorstw usługowych funkcjonujących na terenie polski. W pracy dokonano oceny znaczenia zidentyfikowanych czynników w budowaniu