期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology
出版社:Asian Exercise and Sport Science Association
摘要:High requirements to information transfer are on the one hand the reason, and with another the driver of active growth and transformation of the market of services of the Russian telecom operators, complementing and expanding the range of traditional and generating new offers. Active promotion of new opportunities by leading Russian telecom operators improves the quality of services for the transfer of various types of data in digital format. Consumers who actively participate in the selection of the optimal individual set of communication services and prefer to save money from their personal budget have a significant impact. These points determine the purpose of the study - to assess the impact of market conditions on the strategy of promoting the services of Russian telecom operators. For the analysis of the existing problem, theoretical and empirical methods, methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis, methods of data aggregation, expert evaluation, classification and structuring of information, reference and statistical data, comparison method were used. As a result of the study, the factors determining the development of telecom operator services on the Russian market were structured. The development strategies of cellular communication companies have been assessed and features of the promotion of mobile operators have been highlighted. The obtained data were used to compile a rating of cellular operators in Russia. The materials of the article can be used in the work of specialists dealing with the promotion of services of Russian telecom operators.
关键词:service prediction; cellular communication; development strategy; services; telecom operators