摘要:Literature circles are groups formed by students who get together to read the same story, poem or book. In these groups, students discuss and share what they have read. As required by the roles they assume in groups, students perform many activities in literature circles. These roles may be divided into two groups as basic and optional roles. The main roles are questioner, connector, literary luminary, and illustrator. The optional roles are roles such as summarizer, vocabulary enricher (word wizard), scene setter, character sketcher, and predictor. Literature circle activities that are done in classes contribute to students’ cognitive, affective and social development. This research aimed to explore the preservice teachers’ views on the roles they took in literature circles activities. A total of 21 preservice teachers constituted the research sample. After every threeliterature circles lasting three months, the preservice teachers’ views were obtained. The data was analyzed by using content analysis. The findings and their implications were discussed through the related scientific literature.
其他摘要:Okuma çemberleri, aynı öykü, şiir ya da kitabı okumak için bir araya gelen öğrencilerin oluşturdukları gruplardır. Gruplarda üstlendikleri rollerin gereği olarak öğrenciler, okuma çemberlerinde pek çok etkinlik yapmaktadırlar. Bu roller, temel ve seçimlik