摘要:As a result of the worker immigration that started in the 1960s, Turkish population increased especially in European countries. Second and third generation Turks living in these countries caused social and cultural problems to emerge. The foremost of those problems are the ones that are related to mother tongue education. Although each country has a different language policy for Turks living abroad, mother tongue education is usually given in Turkish and Turkish Culture courses which are usually elective. For this reason, the Turkish and Turkish Culture Course Curriculum was prepared in 2009 by the Ministry of National Education. In this study, the Turkish and Turkish Culture Course Curriculum was examined in terms of intangible cultural heritage items. Based on the results of the research, it is believed that it would be beneficial to increase both the number and the quality of the activities which are related to intangible cultural heritage in the program.
其他摘要:1960’lı yıllarda başlayan işçi göçleri sonucunda özellikle Avrupa ülkelerinde Türk nüfusu artmıştır. İkinci ve üçüncü kuşak Türklerin de bu ülkelerde yaşamaya devam etmeleri sosyal ve kültürel sorunların ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu sorunların başı
关键词:Intangible cultural heritage; Turks abroad; Turkish teaching to Turkish children living abroad; Turkish and Turkish culture course curriculum
其他关键词:somut olmayan kültürel miras; yurtdışındaki Türkler; yurtdışındaki Türk çocuklarına Türkçe öğretimi; Türkçe ve Türk kültürü dersi öğretim programı