摘要:A rapid increase in wood waste prices, which has been observed in recent years was caused by the appearance of new competition on the market, namely power plants, obliged to implement the regulations integrated in the Strategy for the development of renewable energy. The most easily accessible renewable source of energy for energy sector are both all kinds of wood waste as well as fuels produced on its basis. The beneficiaries of that tough competition on wood waste market are their producers, mostly saw mills, which until recently have been operating on the verge of profitability. Depending on the volume of wood waste at their disposal they should consider as an alternative for its sales undertaking wood waste refining process. One of the possibilities is launching pellet production, which as has been proved in the paper is a high quality eco-fuel, in great demand on European markets, with large expansion possibilities. For the purpose of profitability evaluation a method based on valuating wood waste processed into pellet has been proposed.
关键词:wood waste; pellet; pellet production and market; wood waste value