摘要:Systematic increase of demand for wooden biomass and fuels generated from it is the result of the need to fulfill European Union obligations. For those sawmills which very often operate on the verge of profitability it creates a chance for improving their efficiency. Those having a sufficient amount of raw material at their disposal should consider launching production of wooden briquettes, as such initiative does not require any significant investment and may be complementary to company primary activities. Profitability of such venture depends on numerous variables. The aim of this article was to determine the value of sawmill residue when processed further into briquettes taking into account the impact of various factors. The research took account of: material intensity ratio depending on the material used, sales price per unit of final product, the entrepreneur’s target margin, briquettes production cost as well as the cost of transport in case of those enterprises which do not possess their own raw material.
关键词:which do not possess their own raw material; Key words: sawmill residue; wooden briquettes; profitability of processing