期刊名称:RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics
出版社:Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
摘要:V International Conference “L.A. Novikov Readings: Functional Semantics and Linguosemiotics” organized by the General and Russian Linguistics Department, RUDN Philological Faculty, took place in RUDN University on 18—19 of April, 2019. Novikov Readings have made the trademark of the RUDN Philological Faculty/ and its chronicle dates back to 2006: in 2006 and 2009 the Conference was named “Functional Semantics, Semiotics of sign systems and the methods of their studies” while in 2011 and 2014 the 3rd and 4th Novikov Readings changes their title into “Functional Semantics, Semiotics of Sign Systems”, and finally, the 5th Novikov Readings acquired the name of “Functional Semantics and Linguosemiotics”. The title evolution of the International conference reflects the evolution of the research thought and field. Still, the core idea proceeds from the unity of functional semantics and semiotics as the functional semantics is consistent to reveal itself both in language — a complex semiotic system, and other systems to the extent of material sign systems. Interaction of functional semantics and semiotics of sign systems reflects bonds and binds of language and social realm while preserving the autonomy and independence of language an art and creative process, according to acad. Yuri S. Stepanov. Consequently, subjects and topics of the conference are approved involving researchers not just of linguistic semantics and semiotics or literary text studies, but also the studies of figurative, depictive systems of architecture, ornamentalism, decorative art, photography, filmogtaphy and cinema art.
其他摘要:18—19 апреля 2019 г. в Российском университете дружбы народов состоялась Международная научная конференция V Новиковские чтения «Функциональная семантика и лингвосемиотика», организованная кафедрой общего и русского языкознания филологического факультета