出版社:Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iaşi
摘要:In this article, we approach Enrique Vila-Matas’ poetics through the concept of limit. According to this perspective, the bias towards transgression is the source of certain recurring syntagms and symbols in his fiction. The analysis highlights the ways in which the tendency to go beyond borders towards a „further world” is actually expressed in fiction, and realized at the textual levels, through plot, characters and style. Our main aims are to unravel the symbolism of this “other world” and to show that the overpassing of limits is a key concept in Enrique Vila-Matas’ poetics, which reveals his views on world, literature and the condition of the writer.
关键词:Enrique Vila-Matas; real versus unreal; limit; tension; overcoming limits; a “further world”