摘要:The mouthpiece is the gold-standard for measuring oxygen uptake (VO2) during incremental exercise tests, however this device alters breathing patterns during exercise (Amis et al., 1999) and often causes subjects to experience dry-mouth, dysphagia and throat irritation (Baran et al., 2001; Bart and Wolfel, 1994). This is a problem in clinical populations: discomfort due to the mouthpiece often causes incremental exercise tests to be stopped prematurely, limiting the ability to measure a true peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak). The Hans-Rudolph face-mask is a comfortable alternative that permits a more normal breathing pattern and reduces irritation so that patients may exercise longer and a true or predicted VO2peak can be accurately assessed. As exercise intervention studies and exercise prescriptions become more common in clinical populations such as cancer patients and heart failure patients, the need for feasible and accurate exercise testing becomes more relevant. The facemask has been validated in clinical populations and elite athletes, however these populations typically exercise at very low or very high intensities, which may not necessarily represent the average healthy population. The facemask has not been validated in a group of healthy adults, nor has it been validated across a spectrum of exercise intensities so that it can be used across a broader range of studies. This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the facemask compared to the mouthpiece in healthy individuals at peak power, 75% peak power, and 25% peak power.