摘要:Javanese are no exception Ponorogo people have certain habits. This habit is passed down from generation to generation and then becomes a tradition. The pilgrimage tradition of Bathara Katong’s tomb is one of them. This tradition is done by the people of Ponorogo and its surroundings since antiquity. Bathara Katong is a central figure in the spread of Islam in Ponorogo. There was a transition between old and new cultures from various aspects. This transition is considered to be the cause of cultural acculturation. Acculturation of this culture also penetrated the field of art in the area around the tomb,for example the emergence of art Jemblung which is the acculturation between two cultures into one. In addition to art,acculturation can also be found in the architecture of the building,the process of pilgrimage,and the objects brought by the pilgrims of the tomb of Bathara Katong. The name Bathara Katong itself is actually an example of cultural acculturation. Just because it follows the times,this tradition has also changed. This article will try to explore it.
其他摘要:Masyarakat Jawa,tak terkecuali masyarakat Ponorogo seringkali memiliki kebiasaan-kebiasaan tertentu yang dilakukakan. Kebiasaan-kebiasaan ini diwariskan secara turun temurun hingga menjadi sebuah tradisi. Tradisi ziarah makam Bathara Katong merupakan sala