摘要:This paper investigates the crafting activities of stone-tool-making,an essential manufacturing industry in prehistoric socio-economic structure in the Central Highlands from 4,000BP. Based on the data of 50 workshop relics of the post-Neolithic period discovered in Gialai,Daklak,Daknong,and Lamdong provinces,the article identifies the existence of four stone-tool-making centers. In each center,the quarrying process and the types of stones used for machining are different. This creates different types of products and the scope of using stone-tool models is,therefore,varied in the Central Highlands. The existence of these factory relics not only proves the post-Neolithic inhabitants in the Central Highlands were highly specialized but had a deep division of labor in production. The circulation of products created a relatively similar development throughout the Central Highlands,which is a critical premise for the emergence of the Metal Age in this region..
其他摘要:Bài báo nghiên cứu các hoạt động thủ công chế tác công cụ đá,một ngành sản xuất quan trọng trong cơ cấu kinh tế - xã hội tiền sử ở Tây Nguyên giai đoạn 4,000BP (Before Present). Dựa vào tư liệu 50 di tích công xưởng giai đoạn hậu kỳ Đá mới được phát hiệ
关键词:Division of labor;Neolithic;Prehistory of Central Highlands;Stone-toolcrafting workshopDivision of labor;Neolithic;Prehistory of Central Highlands;Stone-tool?crafting workshop.
其他关键词:Công xưởng chế tác đá;Đá mới;Phân công lao động;Tiền sử Tây Nguyên.