出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija Prof. dr Radomir Bojković, Kruševac
摘要:Traffic is a consequence of the need to transport people and goods and,as such,is an essential part of the business market. However traffic,especially freight traffic,greatly contributes to the pollution of the environment,since 1/3 of all greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere are a consequence of traffic,30% of the total consumption of energy being used to this purpose. In recent decades,an existence of a number of environmental solutions for the crucial problems of global environmental sustainability has been recorded. To this aim,attention should be paid to "greening" of the freight transport through the introduction of environmental alternatives.The paper discusses the ecological alternatives to the application: the most current alternative fuels;diesel-electric "hybrid" vehicles;new organization of road and rail transport;and intermodal freight transport. The paper concludes with an ecological perspective emphasizing intermodal freight transport and points out the future development of ecology in freight transport, particularly considering the fact that in the field of environmental protection,the Republic of Serbia is yet to harmonize domestic with EU standards,in the process of EU integration..
其他摘要:Saobraćaj je posledica potreba za transportom ljudi i tereta,i kao takav,nezaobilazan je deo tržišnog poslovanja. Međutim saobraćaj,posebno teretni,u velikoj meri doprinosi zagađenju čovekove okoline,obzirom da 1/3 svih emitovanih štetnih gasova u atmosfe