出版社:Pedagoško društvo Srbije i Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
摘要:The level of physical activity is a very important educational and health-related aspect of working with preschool-age children. The problems of a sedentary lifestyle,which also affect children,have increasingly come into focus. The solution to these problems is adequate and frequent implementation of physical exercises as part of physical education,or other forms of physical activity. A number of studies in different countries,including Serbia,have focused on this issue,also exploring children's anthropological status and how physical exercise can be used for its advancement. The present study presents an overview of 43 papers on the subject of physical education and the anthropological status of preschool-age children. The papers have been analyzed using the descriptive/explicative method and the method of theoretical analysis,and then classified according to several parameters (type and duration of research,participant sample,sample of measurement instruments,research findings),interpreted and discussed. The paper also presents the various issues explored by the authors,their results and the conclusions they have reached. Research on physical education conducted to date can point to the direction for further research of this topic.
其他摘要:Ниво физичке активности врло је важан аспект у васпитном и здравственом смислу у раду са децом предшколског узраста. Све се чешће говори о проблему седентарног начина живота који погађа,између осталих,и децу. Решење тог проблема је у адекватној и учестало
关键词:physical education;anthropological status of children; physical activity; preschool age
其他关键词:физичко васпитање;антрополошки статус деце;физичка активност;предшколски узраст.