期刊名称:Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology
出版社:Profi.Net.Ua Group; Department of Informatics and Cybernetics; Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University
摘要:Для вивчення перспектив впровадження мобільних технологій у процес професійної підготовки студентів економічних спеціальностей було здійснено аналіз програм у магазинах мобільних додатків для платформ Google Android та Apple iOS. Визначено мобільні додатки, які за змістом і функціональністю можуть бути використані у процесі професійної підготовки студентів економічних спеціальностей. У результаті опитування викладачів і студентів було зроблено висновки, що всі опитувані мають мобільні телефони та використовують мобільний Інтернет. У навчальному процесі мобільні додатки використовує 70% викладачів та 97% студентів, у тому числі і спеціальні програми економічної тематики використовує 50% викладачів та 93% студентів. Як викладачі так і студенти зазначили, що хотіли б використовувати мобільні додатки економічної тематики у професійній підготовці.
其他摘要:Representatives of economic specialties must have the skills to use modern information technology in their professional activities. One of these technologies is mobile, based on the use of mobile devices, services and mobile communications. The purpose of the study is to analyze the opportunities and prospects of mobile learning in the process of professional training of students of economic specialties. In order to study the prospects of introducing mobile technologies into the process of professional training for students of economic specialties in mobile app stores, analysis of applications for the platforms of Google Android and Apple iOS was conducted. Mobile applications have been identified which can be used in the process of training students of economic specialties in terms of content and functionality. They were assigned to the following groups: e-books, directories and dictionaries, news editions, manuals and manuals for economists, simulators of economic processes, appendices for learning a foreign language, question sets and simulators for passing the tests on economics, simulators for work with accounting programs, economic courses, economic calendars, economic calculators, financial monitoring applications, business plans and business ideas, notebooks and planners. As a result of a survey of teachers and students, it was concluded that all interviewed have mobile phones and use mobile Internet. In the educational process, mobile applications use 70% of teachers and 97% of students, including special programs of economics using 50% of teachers and 93% of students. Of the applications of economic orientation, most teachers use manuals for economists (70%) and directories and dictionaries (70%), most students -directories (77%) and training simulators for work with accounting programs (73%). Both lecturers and students indicated that they would like to use mobile applications of economic subjects in professional training. The results of the theoretical analysis and the survey give grounds to assert about the sufficient possibilities of available mobile technologies and the positive attitude towards their use in the professional training of students of economic specialties.