摘要:Kisan Call Centre is one of the active services provided by the Government of India exploiting the area of ICT to support the farmers in their day to day farming activities.Since the service is free of cost and can be accessed from any part of the country from 6 AM to 10 PM,it is assumed to be utilized by majority of the farmers in India.Hence the present study was undertaken to develop a scale that would help to measure the attitude of farmers towards Kisan Call Centre.Thirty statements expressing the attitude of farmers towards KCC to be included in the scale reflecting both favourable and unfavourable attitude towards KCC was collected through review of literature and discussion with experts in the field of extension and was carefully edited using the criteria suggested by Edwards (1957).S-value and Q- value for the statements were found and that statement whose Svalue were spread throughout the continuum and had small Q- value was selected.Finally twenty three statements were selected to form Thurston and Chave's (1928) equal appearing scale to measure the attitude of farmers on KCC.The reliability and validity of the scale was also found in order to ensure the scale's usability.