摘要:Sport performance is affected by physical as well psychological traits. The psychological trait grit has been shown to effect athletic performance. This study attempted to identify the level of grit in novice and advanced Crossfit athletes in order to determine if levels of grit play a role related to performance in the sport of fitness known as Crossfit. Male and female Crossfit athletes (n=50) completed the 12-Point Grit Scale test. The 12-Point Grit Scale is a 12-question instrument with two subscales (Perseverance of Effort,PE;Consistency of Interest,CI). The subscale scores and total grit scale scores were compared between the novice and advanced Crossfit athletes with independent t-tests (α≤0.05). The advanced Crossfit athletes (n=23) scored significantly greater than the novice athletes (n=27) for both the 12- Item Grit scale as well as the CI subscale (p<0.05). There was not a statistical difference in the PE subscale scores between the novice and advanced Crossfit athletes (p<0.05). As hypothesized,this study found grit levels to be greater among advanced Crossfit athletes suggesting that grit may play a role in successful participation in the sport of fitness known as Crossfit. Athletes and coaches could use this information in the training environment in a way that maximizes an athlete’s level of grit in order to get a competitive edge. Athletes and coaches could implement the findings of the current study by understanding the importance of practice,finding purpose in why they train in the first place,developing a sense of hope,and joining an existing gritty group of athletes..