摘要:Sounds are propagated like waves in the nature,and are transmitted in the sound source the transmitting medium and the receiver triangle. Sound waves have different names depending on their frequency of spread. Delta wave has the lowest sound frequency. Theta wave,slow activity between sleep and wakefulness,Alpha wave refers to mental calmness,beta wave refers to fast activity. Sound waves are matched to emotional states in humans. There have been many studies in the history of the thought that there is an effective relation between the emotional states of the people and the sound waves that are produced by the way of listening to music. After that music therapy field has been formed. The purpose of this research;to learn the feelings of non-musicians university students about the types of music they listen and to measure the influence of the music on theta,alpha and SMR waves on the brain of the listener. The assumption of the research;music will be reflected as relaxation, imagination,attention raising,focusing on brain waves of non-musicians. This research is important because it was conducted by scientific data acquired through a medical device and applied to non-musicians. The research is designed in a qualitative method. In the study the Beck depression test was applied to the 20 participants who participated as a pre-test to determine their psychological status. Experimental study was carried out with 10 participants at the same level. Results were transformed into a table and the changes on the state of emotion in the participants were determined..
其他摘要:Doğada sesler dalgalar halinde yayılmakta,ses kaynağı,iletici ortam ve alıcı üçgeninde iletimi sağlanmaktadır. Ses dalgaları yayılma frekanslarına göre farklı isimler almaktadır. Delta dalgası en düşük ses frekansına sahiptir. Theta dalgası,uyku ile uyanı
关键词:EEG;Brain Waves;Beck Depression Scale;Types of Music.
其他关键词:EEG;Beyin Dalgaları;Beck Depresyon Ölçeği;Müzik Türleri