摘要:Association which do not make a profit and use to their knowledges and experiences for society are a civilion society establisment. Associations depend on the interior ministry and their activities are legal and contain law,regulations. According to the fields of associations,there are 21 different associations. According to the official web pages of the interior of ministry,there are 109.904 active associations in our city. Associatons which work under the title of Culture,Art and Tourism are 5.631. Associations which work under the title of art are 1969. Goal of the reserches is determine the civilion society establisments which has provided education on fields art and music education Association which apply common education system important services on fields art and music education. Documentary scanning method is used in the research. Universe of the research is taken part in culture,art,and tourism associations which have given service in our city. Examples of the research is artists,art lovers,culture and solidarity association (SANSEV). These subjects are emphasized in this research. Therefore,this research is important significantly..
其他摘要:Dernekler,kar amacı gütmeyen,bilgi ve birikimlerini toplum yararına kullanan sivil toplum kuruluşlarıdır. İçişleri Bakanlığına bağlı olarak kurulan derneklerin faaliyetleri yasal olarak kanun ve yönetmeliklerle belirlenmiştir. Hizmet alanlarına göre 21 fa
关键词:Associations;Culture;Art and Tourism Associations;Contribution to Musıc Education.
其他关键词:Dernekler;Kültür Sanat ve Turizm Dernekleri;Derneklerin müzik eğitimine katkıları.