摘要:The 21th century emphasizes not only obtaining information but also using the acquired knowledge about the relevant objectives with the presence of teachers who have internalized the critical reading skills. Critical reading is the form of reading that allows the individual to interact the text within an in-depth relationship. The easisest way of gaining critical reading ability of the students would be possible with the gain of prospective teachers. This study about the online argumentation method was conducted in order to examine the critical reading levels of prospective teachers who have been studying in Mathematics Education Department. Critical Reading Perception of Self-Efficacy Inventory has been applied to both as a pretest and posttest and the obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 15 program. At the end of the 8-week implementation,the paired sampled t-test results of self-efficacy perception scores indicated that using online discussion environment had a positive effect on the students' critical thinking skills and increased their scores significantly..
其他摘要:Yalnız bilgi edinmeyi değil edinilen bilgiyi sorgulamayı ve ilgili amaçlar doğrultusunda kullanmayı öne çıkaran 21. yüzyıl,eleştirel okuma becerisini içselleştirmiş öğretmenlerin varlığını gerektirmektedir. Eleştirel okuma,bireyin okuduğu metinle anlamsal
关键词:online argumentation;critical reading;perception of self-efficacy scale at critical reading.
其他关键词:online argümantasyon;eleştirel okuma;eleştirel okuma özyeterlik algı ölçeği.