摘要:Painting in its development has undergone various criticisms both of the medium and its conceptual substance. Currently painting is widely regarded as mere representation strategy. This study tries to see and tracing the paradigm shift in the era of contemporary painting,conceptual expansion,particularly the use of optical devices in its creation. Case study in this research is an exhibition in 2007 entitled Errata-Optika that was believed to be an important milestone paradigm shift in contemporary painting. This study used qualitative methods to approach the criticism and the study of literature on the history of painting to contemporary era. Observation was carried out as a method of collecting data from the exhibition Errata-Optika. The exhibition featured seven artists and twenty-two paintings that used optical devices in its creation method.
其他摘要:Seni lukis dalam perkemhangannya telah mengalami herhagai kritikan baik itu terhadap medium maupun substansi konseptualnya. Saat ini seni lukis banyak dianggap sebagai strategi reprsentasi belaka. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat dan menyusuri perubah