摘要:This research is aimed at identifying the dimension of service qualities,examining them both simultaneously and partially,and also determining the dominant dimensions of service qualities affecting customer satisfaction. This research is replicated from a research done by R.L. Snipes et al. (1996). Purposive is used for determining research object and the sampling techniques is use accidental sampling. Population target is all passengers in Executive Class Train. Research sample has 168 respondents that taken from quistionnaires distribution in the three stations i.e.: Gubeng station,Pasar Turi station and Malang station. And method of data gathering employs a set of questionnaires. The analysis is used Confirmatory Factor Anaysis (CFA) and Exploratory Factor Analysis and continued with multiple linear regression. The result of the research indicates,that : (1) Service quality has 8 dimensions that have affect the customer satisfactions i.e.: image,immediate and clear information,service according to information,time accuracy,physical facilities,service system,additional facilities in the executive class train and reclining/refolving seat (2) Simultaneously,the eighth dimensions which have significance effects to customer satisfactions and partially, there are 4 dimensions have significance effects to customer satisfactions,e.i.: immediate and clear information,time accuracy,physical facilities and additional facilities in the executive class train (3) The dominant dimension is supporting additonal facilities in the executive class during the trip..
其他摘要:Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan dimensi kualitas pelayanan dan menilainya baik secara simultan maupun parsial serta menentukan dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang dominan mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen. Penelitian ini merupakan replikasi dari peneli
关键词:Service quality;customer satisfaction;train.
其他关键词:kualitas layanan;kepuasan konsumen;kereta api