摘要:The paper discusses the potential for using the map of strategic groups in the public higher edu-cation sector. In addition,empirical verification was performed – by drawing a map of strategic groups based on data from 33 faculties which represent the social sciences. In this article,the authors have used the approach proposed by Warning,whereby higher education institutions strive for a strategic compromise between teaching and research (additionally we divided research into “theoretical” and “practical” activities). Grouping of faculties was done basing on the Ward method and using the Eucli-dean distance. The procedure allowed us to distinguish six strategic groups. In addition,the authors hypothesize the correlation between the efficiency of faculty performance and their strategic choices. One could find that the most efficient faculties are those which are different from “stuck-in- the-middle” faculties,namely those with distinctive emphasis on “theoretical” or “practical” research.
其他摘要:artykule podjęto dyskusję na temat możliwości wykorzystania mapy grup strategicznych w sek-torze publicznego szkolnictwa wyższego. Ponadto przeprowadzono weryfikację empiryczną – tworząc mapę grup strategicznych opartą na danych pochodzących z 33 wydziałó
关键词:public sector;Higher Education Institutions;strategic management;map of strategic groups;efficiency
其他关键词:sektor publiczny;szkoły wyższe;zarządzanie strategiczne;mapa grup strategicznych;efektywność