摘要:Using an instrument validated in an antecedent study,this study explored the effect of counseling andworking environment variables on burnout in child counselors. The 191 counselors of this study workedwith children under 18 years of age. Data were analyzed by Cronbach's a,quantification methods I.Counseling and working environment variables have 33% of ad-R' over the total score of burnout inchild counselors. V ariables contributing to bumnout were workload,position in an institution,income fromcounseling,theoretical approach,and job stress. Counselors with I-5 cases per week,working independentof an institution and using a single theory of counseling experienced more burmout,and counselorswithout challenge on the job,excessive role conflict,role ambiguousness,and excessive workloadexperienced more bumout.
关键词:Child Counseling;Child Counselor;Burnout;Counseling and Work Environment