摘要:The purpose of this study was to examine the patermal involvement tendency and its efect on adolescent's self-esteem for boys and girls. Subjects were 607 lst and 2nd grade middle school students in Busan. The data were analyzed by t-test,one-way Anova,Pearson's correlation,and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows. The scores on paternal involvement were influenced by the amount of time spent with parents,5days work a week of father,flexibility of leaving work-time of mother,regularity of holiday work of mother as well as adolescents' and fathers' sociodemographic characteristic. For boys,self-esteem was influenced by all sub-scales of paternal involvement : the lisue-life,poffering information,academic support,everyday life,material support,discipline,and traditiniheritance. For girls,self-esteem was influcenced by leisure life,proffering information, academic support,everyday life,and material supports..