摘要:The 612 4th- and 6th-grade subjes completed a slf-administered qustinaire. Data were analyzed by t-test one- and two-way ANOVA,Pearson's,and multiple regression analysis. Perceived mother's emotional abuse and neglect predicted chil's depressive tendencies(DT). Abusive mothers were hotile and showed lack of concem for children's safety. Male children reported more neglect by mothers than female children. Younger mothers were more abuive. Higher maternal education was negatively related to neglect and positively related to lower DT. Mother's having a job was positively related to neglect. Mother's emotional abuse and neglect was the greatest predictor of chil's self-regulation;children who experienced more emotional abuse had lower self. regulation capacity and higher DT. Self-regulation of male children was positively while that of female children was negatively correlated with age..
关键词:Emotional Abuse;Neglect;Capacity for Self-Regulation;Depressive Tendencies